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Diseases of the eye.

The shape of the head varies greatly between different dog breeds and anatomical exaggerations can cause problems. SKK works to ensure that all dogs feel good and healthy, and dogs that show symptoms or can produce offspring with ill health must therefore not be used in breeding. Here you can read about how the area around the eye itself can affect and cause symptoms in the eye.

The area around the eye is called the adnexa of the eye. It may seem strange to examine what it looks like around the eye when you are really interested in how the eye itself feels, but it has been shown that the design of the eye's adnexa affects the eye itself.

What the design of the area around the eye looks like depends largely on the shape of the head. And the anatomy around the eye can, for example, cause eyelids or hairs to rub against the eye, which then becomes irritated and in the worst case permanently damaged. Therefore, it is important to keep this in mind when breeding dogs.


Information from FirstVet: Dogs have a third eyelid, usually this is only visible as a small pink membrane in the corner of the eye towards the nose. On the inside of this eyelid are small glands that can become inflamed. When these swell up, it appears as a red lump in the eye, which is called Cherry Eye. All dogs can suffer from cherry eye but some breeds are more likely to get it than others. Cherry Eye is seen more often in young dogs but can also affect older people.


Symptoms of Cherry eye

The most common symptom is a red swelling that is visible in the inner corner of the eye and usually this swelling occurs quickly. In many cases the dog is unobtrusive but in some individuals it may itch and the eyes may liquefy. The swelling can be so great that it rubs against the cornea, which in turn can lead to ulcers on the cornea. In addition to the risk of rubbing against the cornea, cherry eye is usually harmless to the dog.



The diagnosis Cherry Eye is made after an examination of the eye. Among other things, it needs to be ruled out that this is a change in the cartilage instead of just a swollen tear gland.



It is not always a cherry eye that needs treatment. Most often, however, you want to try to protect the cornea with lubricating eye drops. In some cases, one chooses to remedy the swollen lacrimal gland surgically and sometimes treatment with decongestant eye ointment may be necessary.



You can not prevent Cherry Eye, but it is a good idea to keep a daily eye on the dog's eyes to detect any changes.

In 2020, the RACC conducted a major health survey in the form of a questionnaire. The survey showed that of the respondents, 20% stated that their dogs have had eye problems, with Cherry Eye being the most common with 15%. 82% of these are operated on one or more times, mainly at a young age.


Breeders should keep in mind that these eye conditions have a correlation with genetics and the shape of the skull and skin.


  • Not to use dogs with Cherry Eye in breeding

ENTROPION, inwardly rolled eyelids

The surrounding structures of the eye, called the adnexa, are of great importance for the appearance of the eyelids. In case of anatomical exaggeration, the eyelids and hairs can irritate and in the worst case, damage the eye.

The occurrence of entropion is closely related to the great variation in appearance of different types of dogs. The risk of entropion increases with shallow or open eye socket, protruding or deep-set eyes, dry or lymphatic skin and subcutaneous tissue, overly spacious skin suit, large heavy cheeks and lips, wide skull, wrinkles on the face and in case of brachycephalic skull shape.


It is never defensible to use a dog for breeding that has clinical problems of entropy due to. exaggerated anatomical conditions. Nor to use for breeding a dog that has been the subject of operational measures due to this.


If a dog with a mild form of entropion is used for breeding, it may only be done to a limited extent . Breeding animals with a mild form of entropion should be free from clinical symptoms and may only be mated with a dog that does not show any degree of entropion.

EXTROPION, outwardly rolled eyelids

Unlike entropy where the eyelid is rolled inwards, ectropion is a disease where the eyelid is rolled outwards. The condition usually causes recurrent corneal inflammation. Ectropion is treated by local eye treatment. Sometimes surgery is required. This  condition is not as acute as entropion because it does not cause as much damage to the dog's eye.


  • not to use dogs with ectropion in breeding

Cane Corso

Sekreterare RACC

Lena Larsson
Önum Ås 4 C
534 91 VARA


0736-58 63 68

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Information och text hämtad och lånad från Svenska Kennelklubben, Brukshundsklubben, AniCura, Evidensia, FirstVet, CaniRep, Agria Breed Profile, Anne van Staavaren, Catharina Linde Forsberg, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Jordbruksverket, Skatteverket samt Länsstyrelsen Uppsala.
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