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Beteende- och Personlighetsbeskrivning Hund





A dog with a good mentality works well in his everyday life and feels good. Although we train, compete and hunt with our dogs, the vast majority of them are companion and family dogs in the first place. We should thrive together and have a good everyday life together. The dog's mental characteristics are important for how our togetherness looks like.

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To give a clearer picture of the dog's behaviors, the protocol's observations are divided into different behavioral groups. These behavioral groups are often illustrated by color coding.


This is the average of all completed BPHs that our Cane Corso has done. This does not mean that it is this diagram that shows what a Cane Corso "should" be like, it shows how the dogs that did BPH have been.

Minutes and summary description

While the dog is performing BPH, a trained descriptor notes the dog's reactions in a standardized protocol. In addition, the descriptor describes his subjective perception of how he experienced the dog at the various steps in a so-called "summary description".


Behavioral groups

To give a clearer picture of the dog's behaviors, the protocol's observations are divided into different behavioral groups. These behavioral groups are often illustrated by color coding.

  • Greeting

  • Submissiveness

  • Play interest

  • Food engagement

  • Driver contact

  • Curiosity

  • Fear / Insecurity

  • Threat / Aggressiveness


Presentation of results

The description of the dog is registered with the Swedish Kennel Club (SKK) and is then available via SKK's website Avelsdata. Here you can read, among other things:

  • Protocol
    The protocol uses scales to describe the dog's behavior in each sequence of the various steps. One scale can, for example, describe the intensity of the expression, while another can indicate for how long the dog has shown the behavior. Low value on the scale means that the dog has not shown the current behavior, while high value on the scale means that it has shown the behavior to a large extent. The protocol is color-coded according to the behavioral groups described in BPH.

  • Summary description
    The summary description is the descriptor's subjective perception and indicates whether the dog is Angry, Energetic, Happy in Strangers, Playful, Loud, Curious and whether it has a Positive Attitude and is Safe. A five-step scale from not at all (0) to much (4) is used. A low value means that the dog shows the trait to a low extent, while a high value means that the dog shows the trait to a high degree.

  • Spider diagram
    The spider diagram presents the dog's values for each behavior covered by BPH. When the same behavior is measured repeatedly during the description, a calculation model is used to calculate each individual's value for each behavior. The values are on a scale that goes between 1 (the behavior has not been shown) and 5 (the behavior has been shown to a high degree or for a long time). The spider diagram is divided by color according to the behavioral groups described in BPH.

Cane Corso

Sekreterare RACC

Lena Larsson
Önum Ås 4 C
534 91 VARA


0736-58 63 68

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Information och text hämtad och lånad från Svenska Kennelklubben, Brukshundsklubben, AniCura, Evidensia, FirstVet, CaniRep, Agria Breed Profile, Anne van Staavaren, Catharina Linde Forsberg, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Jordbruksverket, Skatteverket samt Länsstyrelsen Uppsala.
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